Any Young Audiophiles Out There?

I am 20 years old and I do have my concerns about the future of this hobby. I do not see or hear about many people that are into this under the age of 30. I understand that this could be for financial reasons, but when factoring in this site, fairly nice setups (that perform miles above what you get at bestbuy) can be obtained for under 2000 dollars. A lot of my close friends love coming over and listening, and they do appreciate the quality, but at the same time they are more than happy with their Ipod and stock Apple headphones that come with it. They seem to be more impressed with a 2000 dollar Plasma than a 10,000 dollar stereo system...So if anyone is out their, this post is for us!
FrankC makes a really important observation regarding headphone listening. I honestly believe that this is where the younger generation can really get an opportunity to sample better sound. A relatively inexpensive upgrade to a half-decent pair of Senns, Grados or in-ear monitors and a person will quickly understand just how bad the stock ear buds have made their music sound. This is the first step and it is not a huge step from this to wanting their music to sound as good at home as it does through their 'phones and looking to upgrade from treble screeching computer speakers.

I'm encouraged by how many younger kids I see with decent headphones on their iPods and equally I'm amazed by how many of the older generations (40+) I see wondering around with the stock ear buds - I can't help shaking my head and wondering about these people having no idea what they are missing.
I am 40+ and I own and use Grados, Shures, Sennheisers and Etymotics with both Grado and Headroom external headphone amplifiers.

Most kids I see these days are listening to ear buds, and usually with hip hop or the Jonas Brothers, as noted above which may not encourage the use of high fidelity equipment.

The reason I know this is because I can hear their choice of "music" and the distortion of their earbuds very clearly whenever I take the New York subway, even from a few feet away and over and above the noise of the train.

To be clear, I am talking about the E train to Fifth Avenue in midtown, so the music could be different on the outskirts of town.

But I maintain that the decline of civilization is at least partially to blame.

Guys I have a confession to make. I am not in my early thirties. How about mid 60's. I figured with my mug shot on my website it would only be a matter of time before I was outed. Hope I haven't lost what slight thread of respectability.

I have two boys and they use Ipods for music. Hey its a little cheaper then what I have put myself through. Don't think I will encourage them to change any time soon.
Cwlondon, I'm also 40+ and use AKGs and Ultimate Ears but it's not people who are posting in an audiophile forum that I'm talking about. I'm talking about the huge number of 40+ who don't even know that there is such a thing as an audiophile or why we exist! I don't doubt for a minute what you say regarding the number of kids using the stock ear buds on the subway but where I am (Hong Kong), I see more 40+ (80%+) with stock earbuds than the "kids" (maybe closer to 50% with the ear buds).
I am 36 -- not old but not young either.
BTW--Hens--The Cure "Push" is in my alltime top 10--I just got the new 180g "The Head on the Door" on Saturday.