Zu Omen or Tekton Lore

Best floorstanders under $999 for low power SET amp?


Showing 7 responses by capellaudio

hello i have a question about the emotiva amp ....Is it the buy they hype it to be
i have a pioneer vxs32
pioneer kuro elite pro111fd
velodyne 12" eq-max subs
polk c20 center (which i plan o changing in future ) any recommendations ?????
it is a work in progress but i plan on buying this pre amp regular price
and the speakers i,m choosing to pair is the tekton LOre as it seems worth my budget of 1000 hifi speakers
any suggestions ???? do you think they will pair well?????
thanks guys thats alot of feedback .....i love old music......but iam still young in shell so i do listen to alot of current billboard music ..........it seems like iam trying to form a entertainment system / stereo ( is that even possible ?) It may just be cheaper doing two individual system maybe (input ???) I am not limited to purchase so i remain to keep a open mind <<<< runners up infinity , golden ear tower , def tech .and tekton lastly i would like to here the review on the pedragon is it silly to try to put the best of both worlds into one system..... not really a tube roller but do remember how music sounded through them.... more lively except for the popping and air like sound .....don,t know much about them but i can see they respond well to the tekton but i guess the question is i need a all around speaker into new music but love oldies honest opinions??????????????/?
Also what do u guys think about a bryston 9b sst (not squared) for 2600.00
Or would the 7b sst pro mono block be a better purchase at 1750.00
Figured these are one of the best and 20 years can't go wrong .... Or just save for the squared version of bryston.....Go hard or go home right!!!!! Gpowered let me know about those speakers I mention as I know u are self sufficient audio store lolol
Yeah I read a big review on there and watched alot of footage via YouTube (next best thing ) gotta keep up with the times !! But cedia was pretty good they had all the new eye candy lexicon carry bryston all new processors and amplifier for some but them golden ear boys was getting one hell of a audience along with plenty of reviews from sandy ..... Gpower I think I might go pendragons someone is selling a pair I will give it a shot if I don't like I wont keep they will go fast anyhow ..... How does the pendagons compare to the big boys b&w ,Martin logan,kef,Polk ..... Ect. .... Would like to see some numbers on the speakers but listening is the best way .... All hands down .....
Lolol I'm actually gonna purchase them from a friend that's selling them on audiogon ..... Lol like I said hearing is the real test.... If I don't like them I will sell them but I'm taking into consideration the oppurtunity to capitalize on a pair of these ..... How much did the amp run you..... As like I said b4 I would need a crah course in tube amp.... I can't imagine the same names that applies for ss amps applies for tubes some of these vendors Are like a beta map to me .......... I'm gonna audition 2-3 pairs and sell the ones I don't like but the first one I'm gonna pick up is the pendragons ...... Can you say road trip ....:-)))))
Hey friends iv had the Pendragons for a little over 1 month and this is coming from a guy who loves his music .... Truck hold 6 12" inch eve full range speakers with bema speaker in front and back and rear so imagine the sound coming out from a alpha sonic 2000 watt amp with 2 12"inch solobaric...extreme dosnt matter what kind if music you prefer one thing about a good set of speakers is that it will perform no matter weather music home theater .... Mind you I have my pendragons hooked up different then most ... Some would say crazy but remember my truck system and those massive speakers ... Now I have a pioneer sc-57 which has a class D pioneer based of ICE .... Being high effecient this class d not to mention a 192k 32bit Dac it has more then enough power to drive these speakers and I can't go all the way up on the dial this concludes the point im trying to make.... Huge soundstage .... Tight deep base and although ohms are different between car and home stereo I promise you anyone who purchase these speakers will no doubt realize it was the best choice you may have made year to date.... Enjoy
Rsfphil well u know what they say bigger isn't always better in some cases but in mine Bigger is definently better ..... Those panels on your listening room ruined the experience not to mention the amp thats older then me and Gpowered put together ... Lol .... I mean Scott is legendary but these speakers pack alot more then what your Scott amp can produce.... But that's how it is in the audio world ..... Btw I'm happy you got the Lores back rsfphil enjoy ....