Zu Omen or Tekton Lore

Best floorstanders under $999 for low power SET amp?


Showing 2 responses by batch68

My M-Lores arrived yesterday morning and after 10 hours or so of break-in I'd say that review is pretty accurate. These aren't speakers for those who love either highly compressed pop music (which will sound off)or ultimate clinical detail, but if you are in to a "live" sound that make it sound like the band is in the room with you these are keepers. I'm loving them.

I'm no pro reviewer, so I'm sorry I can't throw all the lingo at you, but I'll respond as I'm guessing you are refering to my post. You do not need "the best recorded material" -- the M-Lores are rather forgiving actually b/c they don't try to give you ultra-detail. I have pretty eclectic taste in music (free jazz, grarage rock, old metal, tropicalia) & no one is ever going to accuse stuff from ESP-Disk or bands like The Oblivians of being hi-fi, yet it all sound good on the Tektons. There's a naturalness to the speakers that makes me think of "live" music. Highly compressed modern pop doesn't sound natural to me on any system, but it sounds particularly poor to me on the Tektons; I think that, more than anything else, its a by-product of hearing the naturalness of non-compressed music on the Tektons & how the compressed stuff doesn't give me that. Could you listen to Lady Gaga and LMFAO on them? Sure. Would I buy them if that's what I listened to most of the time? Probably not. For me, though, the Tektons are just insanely good speakers for the price. I currently own four sets of speakers and, despite being the cheapest ones, I can honestly say the M-Lores provide the most fun listening. As always, of course, YMMV.