Your ship just came in! time to buy new gear..?


uncle Arch and Aunt Tilly while on Safari were devoured by hungry Hippos and you alone were named in their will to receive all the available funds in their joint bank accounts which amounts to $56K.

It can be spent on Audio without worries elsewhere in the home, on transportation, or towards family needs.

to over come your grief you decide to buy something audio related.

what component, (LIMIT 2 different items!) aspect, desire, or area gets the money?

BTW, you don’t have to spend every penny of it but the investment has to be aimed at NO more than two different areas, facets, or applications in audio recreation.

is it time to try out some of those $25K per, ICs, and or power cords?

try a handful of those $8K ea., modular rack/amp stands?

commission a head phone designer to make you the best pair of HPs he or she can make for $50k?

contract to build a room addition that will enable near perfect room acoustics?

hire Lady Ga Ga and Tony Benet to perform privately for you.

or be some what less imaginative perhaps and just upgrade this and or that in the existing system?


At least they were doing what they loved when they became soup. If I had to buy something audio related then I would probably by a better source then what I have now. Maybe a cable to go along. But after a certain point I am not one who thinks more money buys more, just different. So not to tempted to send my favorite (reads with most money with me in their will)Aunt Gertrude and Uncle Virgil on a surfin and turfin (beach boys related)safari.
56K? ... I wouldn't spend it on audio equipment that's for sure. My system suits me just fine as it is. 



Thanks for the thoughtful insights on your EXP, and the avenues you pursued.

this is exactly what I felt to bring to light if or when extraordinary circumstances prevail, for what ever reason.

what is the focus then. just a more grandios onslaught yet in the same vein your philosophies have always been intwined?? or bust a dissimlar move?

obviously, the foils I protrayed here which were callously and sumarrily gobbled up were pure fiction and nothing more than a devise introduced to substantiate some possible ‘windfall’ and a subsequent opportunity for self engratiating behavior…

sorry about your notes on the poor family news visited upon you. its never easy, and I suppose its not meant to be so either. .

been there and done that myself.

never had an Indian. had a harley back in the day, and borrowed a friends Moto guzzi now and then when I had a Honda 750 that was being retooled by Yoshimura Racing. an inability to ride remains a strong regret.

Nagra, not Naim does indeed have my attention, yet the named funds won't quite reach their most recent product line completely.

thanks so very much.

@ BDP24

at $50 per Sq. Ft. that comes out to a tad over 20K. 416 SQFT.

of course there are other fees though I felt a decent sized dedicated room a viable option given $50K plus just kicked in your door, and one well worth carefully thinking about, and for a while.


I can see where you are coming from but there was nothing else to do at the time.