Your last concert was to see who and when?

Pretty simple, what and when was your last concert?

Showing 2 responses by kjweisner

Jeff Lynne's ELO last summer with my daughter (1st concert) at Radio City Music Hall.  Next up, Elvis Costello in Charlotte on June 21.  Third row, center section.  Not as good as my last seats for Elvis--Orchestra pit, 1st row, eight feet from the artists!

@reubent I did see the show and it could not have been better!  Great seats and an outdoor venue so avoided all the sonic issues of an enclosed environment.  The performance was just unbelievably good, starting with the fact that the musical theme was the Imperial Bedroom album which is my favorite.  2.25 hours overall that just flew by.  Pete Thomas is a way better drummer than I ever realized and of course Steve Nieve is a huge and integral talent and contributor to Elvis' sound.  EC actually reminds me of Springsteen in terms of performance work ethic and has a great stage presence.  Would love to catch another show on this tour!