World's Best Stereo System ?...


Showing 3 responses by asvjerry

AMTs’, yet again.....funny how they keep ’appearing’ in hi-end systems...

I think I’ll keep mine. *G*

That, and a room correction system that many unplug after awhile?

Sounds like 'keeping the day job' to me.  If you 'do' pianos, stay there.  'Audio' is way too fractious a crowd to wander into.....unless it's just the $s' are just too compelling to avoid playing to the 1%....*shrug*

@fertguy ....Yep, nice if you’ve got the means to get to ’there’. *S*

I don’t, nor do I begrudge the late Ken for...calling it a ’system’ kinda falls short. *L*

Being able to ’roll ones’ grille...’ ’Cloth’?! ’Screens’?

Strands of rubber wrapped in thread.....

*shrug* One wonders what became of it all.....

Rent the room out to 'select individuals', ensuring there's a plastic marble pan underneath the listening chair, water-, stain-, and generally damage-proof (but tastefully selected for the space)....

"You will be strapped into place in this chair for the duration of your listening 'event'.  Do not attempt to escape.  Moaning, screaming, or fits of laughter will terminate the 'event'.  You Will Be Humbled.  Therapists are on-call if necessary."

You will hate your 'stuff' afterwards.

I'll stay home. ;)


@randym860 ,or yours now...until it doesn't.  We've likely all have had those... ;)

@lukaske and thanks for the Illumnia tip, as an omni-dipole sort....and that 8" *woof*!  Way interesting... 👍😊

@fertguy *G*  As intended. 👌  The Ritual to launch that system likely is where mine may approach, so I'll take it as a warning of sorts...*L*

@jeffseight , too true that figure certainly takes into account the more rarified versions available now.  I began doing it in the mid-'80s', certainly have continued to, and has never needed to approach that figure.

At this point, I've in need of a better and simple space to be within to correct. *G*