Why not use a power conditoner

I understand the convenience of using a separate ISO breaker box and the ISO Torrid Transformers they use, but do you not get the same benefits using a high quality power conditioner such as MIT Z isolator or the equivalent.
Do they incorporate the same torrid transformer principles only on a smaller scale.
I use the MIT Z-Isolator the transformer is large and it only covers two outlets.
Does it matter where you attempt to filter the power.

Which brings me to my 2nd question:
I as quite a few other people have a ground loop problem even if I just turn on my Mono blocks with no other equipment turned on I have a hum/buzz (Less if I used the switched outlet on the MIT Z but still there).
I even disconnected the IC to the pre-amp, same hum.
Why am I getting this hum even though nothing else is connected.
How does one achieve this elusive silent background.
(My Monos are Manley Snappers, The Power cords from the Z-Isolator to the Monos are MIT Z- Cord II's and Signal Cable for the power to the Z-Isolator)


Showing 1 response by benie

Agree with Ngjockey, also make sure all TVs in the house are disconnected. if this solves it, then you will need to isolatate the ground on the cable.

You can also try running a wire from your amps to your Preamp to make sure they are grounded together. Just attach the wire to the metal screws on the chassis of the pre and amp.