Why not magnetic tapes in stead of vinyl records?

My understanding is that previously, original recordings were captured on magnetic tapes. The recording is then transferred to a metal stamper, which then creates the vinyl records we use at home. But, why don't they just copy the magnetic tape to other magnetic tapes and sell us those? I mean the same size and everything that the engineer uses. Then, audiophiles (at least some) would have nice magnetic tape players in stead of turntables.

I know people did use reel to reel for some time. I remember cassettes. But I don't believe people ever had an interface to play the big magnetic tape reels at their homes.

Showing 1 response by jnovak

Also, there were until maybe 15 years ago, companies who produced high quality tapes copied at lower speeds. Barclay
Crocker was one of them. Their catalogue was all Classical music. Joe