Why do you think Bi-Wiring improves the sound ?

I now know of 3 people that have converted their speakers to be bi-wired but are not bi-amping .

What is your experience or opinion on why bi-wiring without bi-amping might or does sound better ?

I am concidering converting my speakers but I do not want to be fooled by the addition of increased AWG .

Showing 1 response by bkeske

Richard Vandersteen insists his speakers are bi-wired per his design, so I bi-wire mine, and have never used jumpers on my Vandy’s. Not sure what the big deal is. I’m certainly not going win an argument on the subject with Richard, and have never seen anyone who has when confronted with the subject.

Now, if your speakers only have one set of binding posts, I see no good reason to add them if that is how they were designed.