which is better? Stereo Amp or Monoblocks?

Which do you like better ?  Stereo Amp or Monoblock amps ? Thanks for your Input!

Showing 1 response by asvjerry

At the risk of heresy....

If I were to start from scratch tomorrow, and had the budget to do so...

All mono class D's, +/- 100 wrms.  In the thousandths in the basic specs would be nice, but I don't expect 'bleeding edge' from what is still an emerging technology IMHO...

Why D's?  I've owned 'cinderblock' mono blocks that required 'dead lifts' to move.  I like the idea of 'lightweight' power, especially since my cardiologist told me to stay away from heavy lifting....*G*

Current amp is a basically a distribution AB with 6 - 2 channel amps, any and all capable of bridging.  Run individual or from the line, each with variable level and pan.  Run from 6 drivers to 24 with any combination I care to play with....

I'm big on 'flexibility; absolute perfection, not so much.

And then there's the 2 matrix that control What and How... ;)

There is a 'regular stereo' to keep peace with the spouse....*G*  One of 2, actually...