Which CD player to buy, Sony, Meridian, Theta, or?

I am going to purchase a replacement CD player now, but, the used ones I would like, are not around to audition. I need your help.
I have an Audible Illusions Modulus A3 pre-amp
Bel Canto EVO2 amp
Celestion 11 speakers (will be upgrading these next year)

The CD players I have in mind are: Theta digital Miles, Sony xa7es, Meridian 508.24, and the California Audio Icon MKII HDCD version.

It would be best for me to choose the least most expensive player, but, I want the best for the money. I want the best for my money, as, I don't plan on upgrading for awhile, i'm going to buy new speakers next year (and another Bel Canto EVO2 amp so I can have a bridged pair)
Any help would be greatly appreciated..
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Showing 1 response by bigtee

Out of the players listed, the Meridian is a no brainer. It is still as good as most players today. It was well designed when it came out and it is still well designed in the face of newer competion that talks the talk but can't walk the walk.