What should I do with Castle Conway II speakers?

These speakers were inherited a while ago but I am still not sure what to do with them.

When they were working properly they sounded lovely, but since then they have done a lot of sitting around, and as such the bass cones are completely shot. I want to know whether it would be worth me having the cones replaced, or whether I would be better off spending the same money on a new pair of speakers? Also, would it be possible to get the cones repaired rather than replacing them - if so where might I be able to get this done?



Showing 2 responses by david153

Yes, these speakers were damn good when they were in proper working condition, and living in the UK I shouldn't have much of a problem finding a dealer to carry out the repair!

Anyone any ideas on the cost side of things?



We have tried contacting Castle in the past but to no avail - looks like it might actually be worth trying again. I had heard that it would cost something £100 to £150 to get the speakers repaired; whether this was each or for the pair I can't remember, though...
