What power cord for BAT VK-300x SE integrated?

I am looking for power cord recommendations for my BAT VK-300x SE integrated amp. I currently use a MAC HC power cord, but would like to experiment with something else. Maybe a Black Sand Violet or Silver ref? I would like to get a little more treble extension and air out of the BAT. The rest of my system is an Esoteric SA-10 CD/SACD player, System Audio SA2K monitor speakers, MAC Ultra Silver balanced IC's, and Spetz Anti-cable speaker cables. Any thoughts/recommendations?

Showing 1 response by palerider

You can`t tune your amp that much by changing poiwercords, even if a good cord will improve dynamics and clean up soundstage. If you want a cleaner top, what other cables do you use?
All ic`s and speakercables take away some dynamics & detail, the clue is to find out what takes less..