What matters most in speaker design?

So...What matters most in speaker design?

A. The Drivers
B. The Cabinet / Enclosure
C. Crossover / Internal Wiring
D. Cost / Quality of Raw Materials (Drivers, Cabinet, Crossovers, etc.)

Yes, I realize the "right" answer is "all of the above" or better yet "the design that optimizes the trade-offs of the given variables / parameters that achieves the goals set forth by the creator." However, indulge me...

Can a great sounding speaker get away with focus on only 2 of the 4 above choices? Can a high cost of raw materials trump a sound design that focuses on inexpensive (but great sounding) drivers, a well engineered cabinet, and a decent crossover?

I was thinking about speakers that use relativly cheap drivers, but are executed in a genius enclosure with a good (but not exotic) crossover - and they sound absolutely amazing. This made me wonder...

What matters most in speaker design?

Showing 2 responses by ojgalli

None of the above.

While all those factors are important, they are secondary. The first consideration is the design concept. That must be thoroughly worked out and clearly defined before starting on the driver selection, crossover, or mounting/cabinet. How can a great result come out of a flawed approach? (Wireless200's story is a case in point.)
It's been said that the Achilles Heal of loudspeakers is the passive crossover.

Consider the massive amounts of time and money spent fussing over the CDP, TT, DAC, preamp, amp, cables, interconnects, and more.

Why, after all that effort, is the beautiful, pristine, nearly perfect signal put through a passive crossover?