What does Flat Earth mean in audio circles?

I have seen several references to Flat Earthers. My impression is that brands such as Naim, Linn, and Mana are associated, but why? What are they talking about?
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Showing 2 responses by dannylw

I use to read Fi. And I do care about those Linnie attributes but first and foremost soundstaging and imaging make it real for me.

I also like images that are real height. Maybe that's why I subscribe to the Linn/Naim attributes but there is so much more.
I thought I was a borderline flat earther until the definition having once owned both Naim and Linn at the same time. I also believe in Pace Rhythm and Timing and singel speaker set demonstrations. I question double blind testing because one has to say this is better than that without taking in the whole presentation.

Now I'm not sure what flat earth means is it a company or a thought pattern.

Trust your ears they are never wrong. Even if you are hearing the summation of many wrongs