What are the odds......

....of making a really good sounding system better?

If it is really good odds are it is very hard to make better.

If it gets better all the time chances are it may not have been very good to start with.

Different is not always better although better is a very subjective thing. Is it even possible to quantify “the best” or even “better”? Music is a complex beast.

When is good good enough? YMMV. 

Back to listening now. I am thankful for what I got.

Showing 1 response by petg60

If its good from begining it will get better with time. Know the limitations, financial, system, space, music, and proceed with experimentation and caution. What matters is the involvement with a wide range of music and not a particular style. The mastery is to create something impressive on paper to real music making. Patience will be rewarded. And i am pretty sure, having the same amp/pre/speakers, that i know more today than did nearly 20 years ago or even yesterday. Yes the odds are good.