What are the best amps for driving Totem Mani 2s?

I have a pair of totem mani 2s. Using a sonagrape preamp I need a good amp for power. the speakers using an onkyo integra sound mediocre. also, what would be the best speaker wires (10' each) any one may suggest.

Showing 1 response by goldorak

Hi, I own Mani 2's and drive them with a McCormack DNA-2 LAE which is one of the best solid state high powered amp I have heard regardless of price or hype. So you need power with finesse otherwise the Totem can sound hard a little bit. I use Van den Hul The Revelation Shotgun biwire to great results. Cardas with it's nice midrange and highs could be an alternative. You also need very rigid and heavy stands to get the best out of your speakers.

Good listening, you have great speakers