We are buying and reviewing gear all wrong

So let's assume that cables, power conditioners and electronics all contribute noticeably to the sounds we hear.

In that case, maybe the idea of buying individual gear, reviewing individual gear, etc. is all messed up.
We should review entire systems, and buy entire systems.

This idea that we constantly shuffle interconnects, speaker and power cords for all our lives is messed up.

We shouldn't be looking at audio stores or reviewers as recommending gear, but themes. Styles. Entire collections all at once.

Well, adding a single component to an already existing system is also a service offered by a hi-fi-retailer. In that case, the consumer would likely be the instigator, the retailer providing guidance and advice and potentially a loaner piece for the client/customer to take home to audition in his system. The problem with that is that many consumers have no such local retailer that provides that kind of service.

But now we are back to the issue and premise of this posting! It is a fortunate consumer who has a relationship with a hi-fi-retailer possessing enough integrity to resist a short-term sale in the interest of a maintaining a long-term relationship with a repeat customer.

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I've been doing complete systems for a lot of years now, it's a nice niche. For one, you don't have to travel the same road as many HEA companies do. They always are dependent on other designers to pull them through. I don't have to mess with that. The other thing that is nice is the relationship you get to build with listeners.

Once somebody starts with "The Method of Tuning" and it becomes second nature to them, they never have to return to HEA's revolving door. They can stay a collector if they choose but it's no longer necessary, to get the sound they want.

Another nice thing about Tuning is how inexpensive it is. Most Tunable systems out there cost less than a typical HEA amplifier. If the listener does want to go ultimate system they go with The Tunable Room. With The Tunable Room you're literally sitting inside of a large musical instrument.

Michael Green 

I'm also glad that this forum, and others, are realizing the power is now in the listeners hands. With Tuning for example, I was told by the magazines why they didn't want to go any further promoting my method back in the late 90's (which you've been hearing me talk about). It was simply that they wanted to sell boxes not systems and certainly not methods. Every magazine that reviewed me told me that Tuning was the future after they experienced The Tunable Room and system, but there was no way they were going to pull that trigger, no way.

Now I'm getting tons of emails with people testing the waters. I try to give them simple things to do so they can build their confidence in Tuning. Once it clicks it's like watching a rebirth. It's one of those "of course" moments. And the nice part for me is, Tuning doesn't fail. If someone applies the Method of Tuning they "will" get the sound they want. It's funny, almost weird, it has taking so long for HEA to catch on that a volume control was not going to get them there.


I like many have moved in the direction of an all one system or at least all the same electronics. EACH time I did so something happened to that company!
imagine waking up one day to discover that your favorite brand of audio is closing up shop and your system is now worth 1/5 of it’s former value. Scary. I vowed to always keep my system diverse. Joe