Wanted:Warm, Sweet preamp.

I was wondering if any Agoners could help.

I am lookfing for a pre-amp which is tonally warm and has a sweet midrange yet without sacrificing detail and dynamics with excellent bass handling.

I would like suggestions in case I don't like the built in pre-amp in my cdp.

I am building bit by bit as I already have a temporary setup.
Surprised no one mentioned the deHavilland UltraVerve. With one 6SN7 tube, you can custom tailor the sound to your liking / preferences.
Check out http://www.space-tech-lab.com/

There isn't very much info out on the net on these ones, but they offer infinite variations of tube preamps and have been very well received. From small to large tubes, with all a product to match what you wan.t.

I called and spoke with Albert. It was very helpful.

Do it.

Before I'd recommend a pre I'd like to know your system.
