Vacuum tubed tone control???

Hello, I was wondering if anyone has manufactured a tubed tone control that could be put in-line between a cd player and preamp? I was hoping to add some musicality by rolling some NOS tubes into it, hopefully without hurting resolution too much.
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I just want a system that will make me do "the church lady dance"--from Saturday Night Live. Stan
hi tvad:

so, less is more ??

watch out, the end end police will arrest you for insufficient resolution.

by the way, are you still using the paradisea dac ?

i almost bought one but i was late.
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I'm all for the idea of an equalizer and I don't mind giving up a little resolution either if it helps to provide musicality and an ultimately satisfying sound. You may want to take a look at the Avalon line of equalizers. Don't see or hear much about them in the audio forums, but I've always lusted after one. They have a tubed one too. Anyone want to chime in on Avalon?