Upgrading: What to use with Dynaudio 3.3's?

I auditioned a pair of Dynaudio 3.3's and they sounded fantastic, so I then purchased a pair. Hooked them up to my Adcom GFA5800 and old Marantz preamp and the speakers sounded good. Then hooked them up to my Yamaha home theater receiver (it serves it's purpose) and the Dynaudio's sound worse than the Boston Acoustics AV70's I have attached to the Yamaha daily. The highs from the Boston's were better, the mids were more open and the Boston's just sounded better. A bit disheartened, I've decided I need a new amp and preamp for the Dynaudio's. I'd like to be able to use them for HT and stereo in the future, but I'm thinking a 5-channel amp and processor for the HT and still have excellent sound for stereo isn't in the budget, so I'll do it one step at a time. Perhaps get a good two-channel and a preamp with HT passthrough and add the three channel and processor later? Is this a good approach? I've read the Dynaudio's need lots of power - does anyone have any experience?
I'm thinking of an amp that can be had used for around $1500-$2000 and a preamp that is in the $1500 range.
Two questions in addition to the ones above:
What's the best bang for the buck?
What works well with the Dynaudio's regardless of price?


Showing 1 response by pettyfeversk

I previously had the Dynaudio Contour 3.3 speakers and had them hooked up to the Conrad Johnson 2500A (solid state 240 into 8) and they sounded quite good. Other combinations that were successful for me were the Simaudio Amps and Musical Fidelity Integrated Amps.