Upgrading a CJ PV-10A

I would like to know if there are any suggestions on what can be done to improve this unit from stock by replacing caps, capacitors etc. Anyone done this? What parts did you use or do you have any recommendations? I am not a techie, nor can I handle a soldering iron but I have an electrical eng. friend who loves doing this kind of stuff, so what I really need is a parts list and where to purchase.
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Showing 1 response by mlsstl

I had a PV10A and replaced the high voltage caps in the power supply. However, the originals were just starting to show their age and the unit wasn't as quiet as when I first acquired it. In fact, it actually had started generating hash in the near-20KHz range (above what I can hear - I need to thank my son for pointing that out). I got the replacement caps straight from CJ and they made a prompt improvement in sound quality. These models are now in the fifteen year old range and replacing those HV caps probably isn't a bad idea.