Turn Table Cable Length

I'm thinking of moving my TT to a new location that would involve cabling of about 20'.  While I appreciate great audio, perfection isn't my hunt.  I know there may be some things I give up and I'm OK with that.  Please share your thoughts on this if you don't mind.

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Showing 2 responses by millercarbon

Oh my. Either the OP thought better of his irrational outburst or some prude had it removed. What a shame. Still, surely this summary of sage advice deserves to pass the test of time:
20ft on turntable will give you diffuse sound with crappy detail.Good luck.

This is a really Bad Idea!

that is a very bad idea
If you have a moving magnet cartridge this is a really bad idea
Mine as usual is the same only better:
At 20 feet, to say perfection isn't in the hunt is, uh, redundant. So buy 20 feet of wire. Whatever.

At 20 feet, to say perfection isn't in the hunt is, uh, redundant. So buy 20 feet of wire. Whatever.