Turn Table Cable Length

I'm thinking of moving my TT to a new location that would involve cabling of about 20'.  While I appreciate great audio, perfection isn't my hunt.  I know there may be some things I give up and I'm OK with that.  Please share your thoughts on this if you don't mind.

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Showing 2 responses by asvjerry

MC, just because one asks a simple question doesn't mean loosing a sucker punch at him.  Nearly all the other respondents offer a nice simple solution to the query without acting dismissive about it.

'Once upon a time, there was a young MC that for all his interest and enthusiasm...
.... was an audio zero, absolutely clueless....'

Now....where and how did MC the Magnificent gain all this depth of knowledge to replace the dearth that preceded it?

Could it be..*Preg Pause*...Other People?! *fanfare of obligatory surprise* 

Even if a book or mag, still the churls known as 'other people'...*repeat fanfare, somewhat subdued*

(Rumor has it...Time spent in a suspended wicker basket...with only One opening...Later tales of being under the spell of a dream goddess clad in mica, flicking a 2ga OFC clear cable while bound to 6AX7, overdriven....)

*fanfare of the bored*

Look....MC.....we get it.  You're smart, and you know your shtick (substituted noun).  You're a great wordsmith....(I appreciate that, really...).

But...why do you have to act like you're something that should have been left outside in a small bag after The Incident with the dog?

I might even buy you the 2nd round.  Weirder things Do occur...;)