Tube pre-amp for Bryston 4BST?

Bryston 4BST owners: Which tube pre-amp have you used and how is it?

Showing 1 response by dudeaudio

I've tried a few preamps with my Bryston 3bst..........Bryston BP25, Bryston SP1, Sim P3, Sim P5, a Marantz pre, some EAD stuff, some Krell stuff, and some other cheap stuff, but the COPLAND 301 MKII blew everything away. More soundstaging and far more detail,presented in a smooth liquid way. So many of my unlistenable CD's are now listenable. The Copland is very synergistic with Bryston gear......more so then...ahem.... Brystons own preamps, which seem to enhance digital glare. The Copland can be bought used on Audiogon for about $1000 used, and is competative with amps costing upwards of $ kidding! The bonus is you can tube swap and the Copland has a marvelous MM board built in if you want to get into vinnyl.