traveling need audio stores in NYC to audition

looking to audition some preamps

Hovland, Joule, Sonic Frontiers, Audio Research

any recommendations on great stores to visit in Manhattan?
will be there the week of thanksgiving

thanks alot


Showing 1 response by sknnyc

Actually I do have to disagree. Sound by Singer is pretty patient with folks who just want to hear stuff. They were very cordial to my wife and myself when we asked for a demon of the Basis 2500/Graham1.5/Cardas Heart even though I told the salesperson up front that I already had a VPI TNT. However, stay away from the any salesperson wearing a tie... they won't even make eye contact unless they smell a huge profit (and they know nothing about music or sound).

For music: the Iridium near Lincoln Center and the Birdland.