Time for a (reasonably priced) phono preamp...

My aging Adcom pre-amp's phono stage has begun to buzz, and rather than try and fix it I'm thinking of merely adding a dedicated phono pre-amp.  I mostly spin jazz LPs – deep Blue Note collection acquired over the dark years when CDs reigned supreme – with the occasional rock and classical opera LP thrown in.  My turntable is a vintage Thorens TD160 with a  Clearaudio Concept MM cartridge accompanied by Thiel speakers of nearly 30 year vintage!  My final list for the pre-amp are: Musical Fidelity LX2, Parasound ZPhono, Clearaudio Nano V2 and Schitt Mani, which sells for less than half of all the others.  I'm curious whether the Clearaudio would match better with the cartridge I have, or whether perhaps I should just buy either the Musical Fidelity or Schitt and save my pennies for an upgraded cartridge.  Obviously the Parasound has a pedigree when it comes to making affordable high end equipment, but at $600 I would want it to be a significant upgrade from the others...   I've thought of just buying all four and testing them out, but I assume that some vinyl enthusiast more versed in the ways of high-end sound reproduction on this forum would be able to offer his or her expert guidance before I start down this long and winding road!   

Showing 1 response by jjss49

one word for you... lehmann  :)

no affiliation, just good info from personal experience

there is a black cube se right now on usam