The shams, scams and dead ends of the High Fidelity hobbie/passion/adiction

I am not real current so I may have missed a few. The ones I remember are SQ and any other name for "Quadraphonic", Perfect sound forever, and I will see what my fellow A’goNers can come up with. As a bit of a variation on a theme, I wonder what the most profitable B.S. audio trend/product was?...certianly the 8-track tapes sold well.....and ate themselves rather quickly.   

Sould likely have included the second D in addiction...


Showing 1 response by mijostyn

JVC was smart and gave the technology away to a bunch of companies. VHS saturated the market so fast Beta never had a chance. Sometimes you have to ask less to make more. At the time I was a poor medical student and all my moonlighting money went into Hi Fi. I did not even have a TV. Life was bliss. 
As for the other junk, I do not have any of it. I make my own cables and spend any extra money on better electronics, speakers, subwoofers and analog stuff. Now That I have more income I will occasionally by a tweak that seems to make sense. None of it has made a difference I can hear. Altering frequency response and delays make a huge difference in comparison.