Tamper Resistant Duplex Outlets

Hello All,

Are there any manufacturers whose audiophile grade outlets are tamper resistant? I can't seem to locate any.


Showing 2 responses by carlsbad

Hmmm. I just installed my own circuit. ignored the tamper resistant issue. Fyi, most outlets on the shelf at home depot are not yet tamper resistant. I would just let my electrician install the cheapest outlet he offers and then after he leaves, replace it with the high grade outlet that isn't tamper resistant. if you want to fight the fight ask him what he does in a hospital but it is easier to just replace it after he leaves. --Jerry


On the question of what happens when you move....unless you just bought a new home, your house does not have tamper resistant outlets.  There is no requirement to backfit.  It is very unlikely an inspector will conclude that your audio outlet was installed after the requirement was in place.