Stylus skipping at beginning of record

I’ve adjusted my anti-skating to maximize the SQ of my records.  However, a problem exists in that if I don’t cue up the needle very close to the first recorded groove on the record it skips ahead two or three grooves before playback begins.
Does anyone else have this situation?


Showing 3 responses by larryi

The problem most likely has to do with the raised bead around the edge of most records.  That bead gives the record strength, and in the old days, that bead also kept record surfaces from touching each other when records were stacked for automatic play.

When you set the needle down on the top of that bead, it slides downhill and gains momentum that can carry it past the first grooves it encounters.  Do what you have been doing already--set the needle down further into the record.  With practice, you will still be setting down before the music commences.

As mijostyn and I have said, it is the stylus sliding down the lip that is the cause of the problem.  DO NOT adjust anti-skating for the purpose of resolving this issue because you will be setting it way too high for playing the rest of the record.  Set antiskating correctly and just adopt the practice of setting the stylus down a little further into the record.

If you are tracking within the recommended range, you are not too light.  Do not exceed the recommended tracking force. The recommended tracking force is not only intended to minimize wear and damage to the stylus, cantilever, and suspension of the cartridge, it should minimize issues with record wear.  The recommended downforce puts the signal generating elements of the cartridge in their proper orientation when the record is being played--to high a force pushes the generating element out of its proper location and this will adversely affect the sound.  Do not adopt a "cure" for one problem that causes another.