Stereo EQ in the hifi world ...?

Every now and then (more often than not) I feel like I want to boost/cut some EQ beyond the capabilities of my amp. I know most purist guys will shy away from EQ ....any suggestions on a great stereo EQ that does not generate too much hiss/noise?

Looking at Technics / SAE etc....

Marantz PM-11S1
Tekton DI SE
Technics SL15
Akai BT500

Showing 6 responses by n80

I'm also curious to see how an external EQ can improve brand new CDs that tend to be loud and have compressed DR. I find that it is the mid-high and high frequencies in these as well that bother me. For $129 it might be worth it just to find out.
I would go nuts with one of those EQs with dozens of sliders. OCD in overdrive.
So here is a question that ties in with a couple of other threads concerning the trend of severe DR compression in most new music releases. Maybe this question deserves a new thread or maybe it deserves no discussion at all:

I understand that if the DR is narrow on a recording then nothing can make it wider.

But I wonder if an EQ can improve the way a narrow DR recording sounds? High and low frequencies at the same volume are perceived to be of different volumes due to the equal-loudness contour ("Fletcher-Munson" curve) characteristic of human hearing. So would it be possible to exploit this with an equalizer to give the impression of a wider DR?