Speaker Suggestions $30K Sasha DAW competitor?

I have been contemplating some new speakers - I have Wilson Sasha 1's which sound fantastic, but the highs can be screechy on some songs.  I listen to rock, alternative, punk at concert volumes.  I am looking at the Sasha DAW's and ??  I just heard the Alexia V's - they are what I want, but they come with a $70K price tag - just too much - man did they sound absolutely stunning - I think they are THE BEST Wilson's in the entire line - if anyone has that kind of cash you should go hear them - stunning.    I wanted to consider the PS Audio FR30's (which I have not heard) before I made a final decision, and was going to Boulder to hear the FR30's, but PS mandates that you have to be vaccinated and boosted - my doctor said don't get the booster - PS can do whatever they want - but I draw the line on my health - so that one is out (I have their DAC and support has been great).  One of the reasons I liked the FR30 is the ribbon tweeter tech which I perceive might be good in that speaker - I find them pretty smooth (have heard similar tech in the Martin Logan stuff - and they are smooth indeed).   Not a fan of Magico, Sonus Faber or Elac - in my view and for my taste - they are not musical.  Looking for floor standers.  Thanking you all for your speaker input. 


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Thank you for the suggestions Soix and Tomic - I never considered JBL because i thought it was old tech and not very resolving - kind of like Klipsch - but I will go check it out.  I got a private email from a gentleman who sold his Sasha 1's because of the harsh tweeters (he said they were unlistenable - don't really agree with that but...) and moved to Monitor Audio PL500 II's, I will check those out too.  For those of you who are wondering what I am driving the Sasha's with, I am using Rowland Monoblocks which are the only amps I have heard (besides Burmeister) that sound beautiful.  On amps I have tried Bryston, Classe, PS Audio BHK (I have heard the D'agistino and they sound like krells to me) - all sucked because the Sasha's are hard to drive.  I have tried various cables, different preamps (I am now on Audio Research).  Even the dealers admit that the Focal tweeter in the Sasha 1's are known to be harsh - the DAWS don't have that tweeter and the Alexia V's are just beautiful.  Yvette's are a completely different animal - don't have the soundstage or dynamics for me, but they sound nice.  Thanks for the input.

@emaillists I was also pretty excited about the FR30 - just not excited that they force me to get a booster to hear their speaker - especially since my doc advised against getting the booster - I actually want to sell my direct stream and be done with them.   I have to say that the service at PS Audio was really great - they pick up the phone, answer your questions.  I had the BHK and it would go into protection around 70db with Sasha's - although there was a sound improvement over the Classe that I had been using.  

@kennyc  Very interesting idea.  Tube preamp up front.  Solid State Power.  Only happens on some songs.  


@audiophile1 The speakers were set up by Wilson dealer.  I think that the fact that two different Wilson dealers have acknowledged shortcomings of the inverted Focal tweeters in the Sasha 1's are a good indicator that it may be inherent in the design.

@misstl I had a salesman once tell me that the good thing about avanteguarde is that whatever song is played sounds great.  I listened to the Wilson Master WAMM Chromosonics a couple months ago - and I wanted to play a favorite Dylan song, so they played Senor - absolutely awful because of the recording.  I get what you are saying - and you may be correct.  But I find it curious that it would only affect the highs.  One of the other problems is it is hard to listen to some of the speakers here because they are not available anywhere.  I really want the Alexia V because it sounded really really good, but just don't have $70K.  I don't think the DAWS will sound much better (although it is noticeable).  


Thank you all for your suggestions.  Going to take some time to find these speakers.  I have ruled out the snail-looking speakers just because I don't like the look.  I got a few people talking about Monitor Audio - that will be my first one to audition - great group of people here.

@ronboco How did the FR30's sound?  Did you buy them?  If not, why?  I can't answer why PS Audio requires "proof of booster", but that is what Chris said over the phone less than a week ago.  

UPDATE 1:  Ruled out speakers:  I have auditioned the Magico A5 and The Rockport Atria II.  Here are my impressions, the Magico sounded like the speakers were boxed in.  Like the sound was coming from the speakers - just no soundstage.  I thought the Rockports had a better soundstage, but not the resolution of the Magico.  From my subjective view, I did not think either unit was as good as the Sasha 1.  I have had a hard time finding some of the other speakers.  I may have to face the fact that the DAW is where I will end up being, I was hoping to get the Alexia V and the DAW price from a different manufacturer - but that may not exist.  The Rockports were being driven by Parasound - not the best - but not the worst either.  The Magico's were driven by Boulder - which people say is a good amp.  Super nice guy who took the time to show me some different offerings.  I showed my girlfriend the KMD700R - she said "I wouldn't have those in my house" - they look like an erector set project - sorry @rick2000.


The Joseph Audio Pearls are calling your name.

So I have been looking for their distributors - here is their website which has not been updated in almost 4 years. No phone number, no address.  (I especially like there is a picture of a land-line on the contact page - oopsy). So what would happen if there were problems? No dealer locator is listed. Kind of nervous about them. Crazy that basic stuff some of these manufacturers blow it on. Some have non-transferable warranties, or no returns, must be boosted, or have no contact info. This is basic stuff. You can call Rowland and chances are Jeff will pick up the phone, he stands behind his stuff - even when it is WAY out of warranty. That is what one would expect when you are spending $20K on an amp. But I am going to keep trying to hunt down that speaker.  If I find it and buy it they should give you a spiff - you're the best marketing that they have.


@keithr WBF?  Might you have a link kind sir?  The people on the site have given me some names to go check out / some I have eliminated / some I have not paid attention to / some I want to find still.    At this point, if money was not object - I think it would be the Alexia V, but since money is a major consideration, I want to hear everything that could fit in this dynamic speaker range.  I have heard some sub $5000 speakers that sound better than some of the ones on this list (Wharfedale EVO 4.4 / Martin Logan 60xti with the right power), I am not sure $$ = good speakers.  The DAW will have to stand until something kicks it to the curb.

Thought all that were on this thread might want to know what I landed on.  I would like to thank all the kind folks for their input.  I tried to listen to anything I could find (that did not have insane restrictions).  I listened to many of the suggestions here.  It took me some time to determine what I wanted in a speaker - here is what I want in order of importance:

1. Dynamic Bass - want to feel it in my chest.

2. Smooth Highs

3. Gigantic Soundstage like Maggies.

4.  Want to occasionally listen at concert volumes without hesitation, fatigue or distortion.

The only thing that was in the running against Wilson that I found was Acora Acoustic Granites - had they had the speaker I wanted, I would have probably got it - but I am glad I didn't.  I tried to get the DAWS, but the dealer I was talking to would not budge on the price - but they have excellent service.  

I called Paragon whom I believe to be one of the finest audio dealers in the nation (who happened to have an endless supply of Wilsons).  They cut me a sweetheart deal on a used pair of Wilsons.

I called Adam Golden, who used to work at one of my other favorite dealers who now has his own place called SoundScape.  He came and placed my new Wilsons.  Plugged them into the Rowland Monoblocks.

We started spinning tunes and I was absolutely mesmerized.  Wilson's new tweeter is ultra smooth.  The soundstage just blew me away.

My girlfriend came over to hear them, she is not very audiophile like, she says "Are all the speakers on"  (Referring to 5.1).  "But I hear instruments over there, and vocals over there (pointing in a different direction)"

So - if that is not a testimony to soundstage, I don't know what is.

The MAXX 3's deliver in spades.  They are an end game speaker.


@rsf507 It wasn’t that the Acora speakers were deficient, the model I heard only had one driver, they did not have the model with two drivers. Even the one with the single driver blew me away. Definitely WAY better than Magico or Rockports that were in the same room. They were driving them with Boulder amps which I think are pretty good amps. Had they had the two driver model I may have purchased them (or took a hard look) the two driver version is like $35K which I thought was a little pricey. I am glad I didn’t because the MAXX really are an unbelievable speaker. I wanted to hear the Joseph Audio, but was not able to locate a dealer with them. I think I was just amazed at the sound that Acora produced. In hindsight, Wilson still has them beat in my opinion - even if the Acora could produce the bass response it would be tough for them to match the soundstage.  If I was looking at Sasha DAW vs Acora new, it would be very close indeed (they are both in the 35 to 40k price point). The fact that Acora is in Canada might be a drawback for serviceability.