Speaker punishing bass

I was wondering if anybody had suggestions for quality recordings with frightening bass. I use several discs for auditioning speakers to see if they can stand up without distorting. My favorites are: Vic Wooten with the Flecktones, Marcus Miller, Copland's "Fanfare for a Common Man", Edgar Meyer's "Uncommon Ritual" and "Passage" by the Empire Brass Quintet. While bass isn't the last word it has made short work of some speaker choices. As always I look forward to any suggestions.

Showing 2 responses by sedond

nusrat fateh ali khan & michael brook's "night song" - amazing low-frequency information on that cd... there's also amazing bass-response on kraftwerks' "electric cafe" as a matter of fact, i had this album several years & dint realize yust how much bass there *was* on that album until i took it to audition a pair of vmps tower III's a few years back. that experience is what made me buy a pair of their larger subwoofers, which is basically the bottom end of the tower III's ...

doug s.

snook, this was over 10 years ago, the tower lll is not a representation of vmps' current line-up. my opinion of them was excellent dynamics, detail & tonal accuracy, w/mediocre imaging/soundstaging. however, it seems that vmps has come a long way since then, w/their use of ribbon technology & better driver layout. i have not had the chance to audition their latest, but i'd like to, & i'd be surprised if the imaging & soundstaging isn't now on par w/their other strengths.