SONY SCD-XA5400ES vs all Accuphase models

For all Accuphase CD/SACD users,I have to say something:
I ask on diferent audiophil forums a questions regarding a comparations on diferent models from Accuphase,(DP-65V-who I ovned now and a upper model DP75V,DP67,DP77,78....)...and I recive an answer with a advice who sad this:
"The is only $1500 and is better-sounding than any player Accuphase has ever made".
This was justify so:
"The units you are talking about are old technology; they are way overpriced for their performance".
Please who have compare (or can give an really opinion),please tell me if is posibil to be so,or not,(I don't have the posibility to make this comparation with the new SACD from Sony).
I can say I love my sound from my Accuphase and I imagine a litle better things in sound on another upper models on some direction on sound,but is hard to me to belive what say in his advice this man.(I am sure he give with good intention this advice,but I must ask also another opinion from another people).

Showing 1 response by billeames

I spent October 2009 listening to 5400 versus Simaudio Eclipse and Andromeda. I prefered Sim products to 5400. Yes, 5400 has nice midrange, smooth, silky, and ravishes the ear. Sim products had liveliness, complete tonal range (esp Andromeda), dynamics.

When it comes to tonal balance it does not compete to above Sim products. Sorry I cannot comment on Accuphase. But I would think that Accuphase is superior to Sony, but that is a conjecture. All above in my opinion of course.