Sony SCD-C333ES a good buy?

I have been considering moving into the wonderful world of SACD after finding out this player can be had for only about $600 (don't ask me where =). I've read some reader-reviews in the April issue of Stereophile, and it seems that it doesn't touch the 777... but at this price, it costs less than 1/3 the cheapest new 777 I've seen online. Even though it's not the best CDP out there, is it a great buy at around $600? Right now I have a Marantz CD-6000 OSE (un-modded). Thanks in advance!

Agree with post from Smc above. The 333 I'm using took some time to break in. I didn't make any special effort to play it non-stop or run it through any burn-in procedures but the sound definitely sweetens up and loses that initial hint of brittleness after logging some hours on it. The playback has an ease about it now that makes it more fun to listen to.
The $600 price is at J&R Music World. Their internet address is
If memory serves, I recenltly read that Sony will soon be releasing a C555ES. I can't find any info on the site. Can anyone shed any light?
Pops - check out the Crutchfield site for the new 555 sacd player - 5 disc multi-channel with bass management - some details provided but I would suggest Oade Bros. for what maybe the cheapest price...
The 333 is a stereo CD/SACD player. The C555 is a Stereo CD/multichannel SACD player.

The 333 can be bought for around $600. The C555 lists for $1700.