So what's the better deal (honestly)?

Would you rather pay $27,500 for a paint upgrade on some Wilsons, or pay $7,600 for a set of outriggers for some Magicos?   Let 'er rip.  You first, EBM. 

Showing 3 responses by supermerio

Shtinky dog

cant find this topic. Is it in the speaker section?

i want to read it and give everybody the benefit of the doubt
before shaking my head.
I love my sasha 2 but that paint job cost is a total ripoff.
its like being robbed by your own relatives.

Will a cars paint job cost you that much? Putting into
consideration a car is harder to paint with all the curves,
dent and all the parts you have to remove to start painting
like windows, handles, bumpers etc.


you nailed it!

why do people bite?

manufacturers do it if there’s demand. Who do we blame?

paint job is a “luxury”while special pods is “audiophilliac”?