SACD & other Formats

I'm a vinyl guy and have invested lots of money in my TT rig and listen primarily to vinyl because it can sound so much better than digital.

I want to buy a CDP that will satisfy and understand a well mastered CD can sound good as well. I abandoned red book play back 10 yrs back because it was very frustrating finding satisfaction. Too many poorly mastered CDs that could not communicate the music. Have things improved? I know you can get better digital sound for less $$, but has the quality of mastering improved?

Looking through stores online I see SACDs are getting a lot of new mastering attention, gold CDs are available, XRCDs, etc. Is SACD the direction to look? are the current SACD issues of titles living up to the marketing hype/price? sonically? the key is in the software, availability and mastering.

Showing 1 response by jafant


big fan of all things CD/SACD here. Let me start by asking which CD/SACD did you own previously?

What direction would you like to travel this time around?
What is your budget for a spinner? Are you open to (2) spinners- 1 for CD playback and the 2nd for an SACD player?

Interesting times for this movement, keep me posted.
Happy Listening! -JA