Running for Dummest question EVER

Is there (or could there be) such thing as High Definition Analog recordings and music reproduction, bear with me for a second, a process to engrave and read vinyl that would be in the nano tolerance. Forgive me if this is totally ridiculous but just curious to hear opinions.

Showing 2 responses by metralla


I don't think a direct-to-disc record could be cut at half-speed. Methinks you've mixed up Sheffield Labs with Mobile Fidelity Sound Labs.

Tower of Power - "Direct" - LAB 17 from Sheffield Labs. It was recorded directly to disc.

03-03-07: Snofun3 writes:
Metrlla - I'm wrong and right.
Sorry, Snofun3. This is what you wrote:
Try Tower of Power "Direct" from MFSL. Direct from the horns to the mics, to the cutting lathe, cutting at half speed - about the closet live reproduction you'll get.
Attributing the album to MFSL is a minor error. But thinking that a direct-to-disk album could be cut at half speed is more fundamental.

When I pointed this out, you replied:
I'm fairly sure the Sheffields were half-speed masters too.
Try again, maybe? Starter for 10 perhaps?
