Room treatments behind or between speakers?

Just wondering where people feel is the best place for room treatments on the front wall. I've seen people place panels on the wall between the speakers while others have placed them directly behind the speakers.

Showing 5 responses by tboooe

Thanks guys. I have already treated my first reflection points on the sidewalls and it made a big difference. I have Realtraps bass traps too. Now I am just wondering about front wall absorption, directly behind speaker, in between speaker, or both?
Thanks Milpai. I look at your system page a lot. I love the simplicity of it. If you think your room is small you will think mine is tiny. It's only 9x10 but the rear is open to my family room.

Samhar, I am not sure what I am trying the achieve. I don't know what I don't know right? :). Like all audiophiles I am always looking to improve my system.
Samhar, thank you for the generous offer. Let me check my schedule to see when i have some free time. Thank you again!
Bigby, your room must sound great! I am going to add ceiling treatments next, a combo of absorption and diffusion. I am very curious to hear what that does.