Room color opinions

Does a color of a room affect the sound? Im thinking of a light colored room making the sound bright compared to a darker room color . What are your opinions on room color . 
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Showing 1 response by prof

I'd think color, at least the color of components, can bias one towards perceiving a certain sound.  It probably isn't total coincidence that Conrad Johnon tube amps, for instance, are gold colored and are often described as having a "golden" sound.

I've noticed that look of a speaker can have some influence on how I perceive the sound.  I really love a good, deep wood veneer and that always puts me in a good state of mind for listening when I see a speaker with a great wood finish.

As for room color, I deliberately did my room to work with stereo/AV gear, speaker especially.  Speakers tend to come in a combination of brown (wood veneer - at least the ones I'm attracted to) and back (usually speaker grill, or the drivers, etc). 

So I did my room in a combination of brown and black tones, with some warm cream thrown in.  It worked perfectly.  Almost every speaker I put in there seems like it was "made for the room" because it blends so well with the decor.  (Unless a speaker has a really different color...and then usually it doesn't stay too long).