rock/jazz fusion

i ran across a group called "Jazz is Dead"; Jimmy Herring, T Lavitz, Billy Cobham who did instrumental versions of some G.Dead stuff. I loved it. It reminds me of old Jeff Beck; "Wired", "Blow by Blow", I wish I had more of the style. The recent Jeff Beck was way too techno/alternative, lacked the soulfullness of his older stuff. Any suggestions?

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I've got one more
PRAXIS - "Transmutation" is a mix if industrial, jazz, funk and punk alltogether featuring famous funk-bassist Bill Laswel, Buckethead(from cure) and Brain -- that's where the jazz rests literally.
Brand-X with Percy Jones, Phill Collins...
Jon Hassel is techno-industtrial-jazz.
Stanley Clarke is more commercial that two above.