Ripping CD's - Bypassing Computer CD Player

At the risk of sounding stupid, could someone point me in the right/best direction of how I can rip my CD's to a hard drive while maintaining fidelity? Hold on, I know how to do it with my computer and I know the difference between lossless and lossy files. My concern is that the CD players on computers are not of sufficient quality to do a really good job. I've tried to find the best CD player for my computer, but I know it's not nearly the quality of my stereo componentry. My thought is to use my "audiophile" quality CD player(s) to rip to a storage medium. Is there a component that I can attach to one of my current CD players that would seamlessly backup the CD's and/or a combination CD player/hard drive that would do the same thing?
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Showing 1 response by rlwainwright

Ain't it funny how a $50 computer CD drive does a better job of ripping CDs than a $10,000+ "audiophile" player?

And yes, dbPowerAmp is the bee's knees of CD ripping software. It also does a heckuva job transcoding ripped discs to other formats like FLAC, etc.

Long story short, Nab2, your PC's CD drive coupled with dbPowerAmp will do a fantastic job of ripping your CDs - end of story...
