Review: : M-CD Mat :The Millennium CD Mat: Tweak

Category: Accessories

M-CD Mat
Carbon CD Damper
Price $119.00
Date: 12/20/2008.


Electronic Tech Telemetry/Radars/GPS
Audio-Videophile. 30 years.

The Millennium CD Mat:

Based on our development results and success with the carbon LP mat, the introduction of our CD mat on the market was only a question of time. It is the only solution for most drive assemblies due to the minimum weight, small material thickness and impact. Resonance problems will be reliable minimized, and as a result the error compensation does not work hardly as usual. In fact, this is audible!
This only 0.3mm thick carbon mat provides more quiet in sound, clearly formed structures and more details. The whole sound is detached from the speakers like it should be. Increased dynamic and enhanced precision are the result. And, in addition, Carbon reduces static processes! Enter a new digital world, get best performance for DVD, too, as told by our customers.

Day 1

Well if Carbon reduces static then it must be doing something right, because the M-CD Mat was working its magic in my CD player. I sat there as Audi set the volume levels and switched the CD’s and dampers on all the music. Hey this was a lot a fun because all I had to do was take notes and listen to music. The other dampers were the herbies audio black-hole $2 and the SID CD model 14 $40.

The black-hole was fuller with good BASS. The SID was clean mean and sharp. The M-CD-Mat had it all and it should for $119.00. The first thing I noticed was all that stinky digital noise was completely gone. I said same old story, get rid of the noise and you will hear more music. And that’s what you hear with the M-CD-Mat just more music and less noise. All I know is, this is one damper that’s not leaving my CD transport.

Also let me say before you buy a new CD/DVD player, try the Millennium Mat first. I told Audi, your $100 dollar Sony DVD player almost sounds like my $1600 dollar Ref-Mod Oppo 981. That’s how clean and musical the Sony sounded with the M-CD-Mat.

The BASS was deep with very good low-level resolution. The MIDRANGE was big-time smooth and had that see through quality to it with a clean black background, almost like someone took an eraser and erased all the noise off the music. The center stage between the speakers was dead quiet, nothing but music floating. The TOP-END was detailed and open but not rolled off like some dampers just smooth sounding. This may be the best CD tweak I have tried so far and it can save you some bucks to boot I wish I had it before I sent in my Oppo for modifications.


One of the best CD dampers out there and looks good too. Try it on everything.

Awesome CD/DVD tweak that works
And comes with a nice case.


Bill Glenn
[email protected]

Associated gear

B&K 505. Krell kav-250. Classe cp-35. Ming-Da MC-7.
Ref-Mod Oppo 981. Chang 3200 PLC.
B.G. 420’s Bolender Ribbons. B&W-804’s.
Spk-Cables Analysis Plus Oval 9 & RS Cables IC’s

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I just got one a couple of days ago and WOW, very nice improvement. It really helps the music just be in the room and get the speakers out of the way, if that makes any sense
get one, great $100 upgrade
I received my Millennium CD mat yesterday and I wrote, immediately, to Brian to tell him how pleased I was with this product. To my ears, there is more 'music' to hear and what is heard is cleaner with more of a sonic 'floor' if I can say that. The effect I'm hearing is clearer with no noise at all, and just more music if that makes any sense at all. This is a great product.
I am curious about this mat. How do you apply it to the CD? Does it stay on by itself or somehow adhere or 'stick' to the disc? Is there some kind of coating on it? Is the mat the same on both sides? Or is there a CD / non-CD side to it? Thanks.
You lay the mat on the cd. There are two different sides and the mat is placed text side up, black side down on the cd. The cd tray holds both cd and mat in place.

Hope this helps.