Results from Beta Testers of New Formulas

Hi everyone,

Please use this thread to post the results of your testing of the 2-step formulas. Thank you.

Best regards,
Paul Frumkin

Showing 8 responses by rauliruegas

Dear Paul: I agree with 4yanx, Motdathird and Sean. I don't want to talk more about, I thing almost is saying.
I'm a little worried about an important issue with your formula: it's works like an equalizer or it really works ?,
all of your beta testers experienced what they thing was an improvement and they like it: after using your formula the sound was more accurate to the recording?, nobody knows it: they like it ( but in this forumm I learn that at least the 90% of the people likes the equalized sound, they use tube electronics: equalizers. ).
I think that you have to test your formula, too, with the people that can know if what they hear is accurate to the recording or is not: ask to David Wilson ( Wilson speakers ), Tony Faulkner ( Green Room Production ), Joe Harley ( Audioquest/Groove Note Recordings ), John Atkinson ( Stereophile ) if your formula it is an improvement and accurate to the recording and let us to know their answers: all those people were at the live
recording and they really knows about it and only they can tell us the true. This is a critical issue for the people that loves the music and that cares about music sound reproduction at home. So, do it you a favor and do something for us and for the people that you ask for a free help. I'm stay tunned for your answer and effort in this way.
Best regards and enjoy the music.
Dear Slipknotl: "....what the recording is SUPPOSED to sound like ?, this is the point: the testers only can suppose but they don't really know about: only the people that were at the recording sessions knows about it.
"....that the testers are unqualified ?, you told it I never mentioned about it.
"..........the quality of the playback system,....?", again you told it I never mention it.
I ask: this formula is an equalizer or it really works?.
Yes, you don't understand my point. I hope you can do it in a near future. ( Don't be angry for something that you can't understand ). Be happy.
Best regards and enjoy the music.
Dear Lugnut: Like Slipknotl, you don't understand anything about.
You have to be more " open mind ": it is the only way to learn in every day life.
Best regards and enjoy the music.
Dear Slipknotl: First than all my post was to Paul not to you. I ask to Paul to give and answer and he is silent till now.
You still don't understand about it and yes I know that it is not important to you. So don't loose your time answer me for something that you can't understand and that I don't ask you: Paul has to answer.
Regards and enjoy the music.
Dear Lugnut: An equalizer is a device that can change the frecuency response in music reproduction: all the testers told us that they hear something different ( that they like it ): this " something different " is a change in the frecuency response, my point is if that changes are in the recording or not: the only people that know about it are the people that were at the live studio recording, if these people told us that after the formula treatment the reproduction sound is more accurate to the recording then and only then Paul can say that the formula really works in favor of the music reproduction, if these people told us that the treatment it does not help for " accurate to the recording ", then the formula is an equalizer. That is all.
About the tube electronics that work like a very expensive equalizers I agree with you that this is not the moment to speak about it and I apoligize for that.
Regards and enjoy the music.
Dear Paul: Tks for your courtesy.
I think this is an " open thread " and everyone can post an opinion: if you or anyone agree or not with that opinion is another history.
I don't give my opinion for to start a debate, I post my opinion because it is what I think is usefull for to know ( for sure )if there is a true improvement in the music reproduction through your formula treatment or if it is only another equalizer. If you really care about the music reproduction at home you have to try what I'm suggesting you. If you close the door to my suggestion maybe will be because you are more interested on the comercial value of your formula and not on the music reproduction value of your treatment.
Anyway, what do you loose if you can have the answers of the original recording people?.
Regards and enjoy the music.