Replacing generic RECEPTACLES

How important is it to replace your generic receptacles with audio grade receptacles . I already replaced my stock power cords to high end Shunyatas. Would it still be necessary to still change my generic receptacles to audio grade? 
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have a dedicated line for my Krell FPB 600 amp and my ARC Ref 6 preamp which i will be adding the Furutech GTX-d r. But not for my Rega Isis cdp. Would you also recommend a dedicated line for the cdp too?

It would make sense to add a second 20 amp dedicated line. You can use your CDP, and in the future add another digital device such as a dac or streamer. It’s best to isolate analogue from digital.

Or you can keep the 15A line as long as it is properly grounded at the receptacle and at the circuit panel.

The 2 double receptacles on your 20 amp line equals one 20A dedicated line.
It's fine to run an amp plus preamp on the same line; the 2 components will draw less than 20 amps. It would not be a good idea to run monoblocks on the same AC line due to the high current draw.
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I have all Shunyata power cords and replaced my audio outlets (on dedicated lines) with the Shunyata 
... 20 amp duplex on 15 amp wires NEC says no. The NEC is not the wire police. They are guides used by electricians as to what they can and cannot do since they are contractors and THEY have legal and liability concerns ... Those concerns are not a law, You cannot go to jail for using a 20 amp duplex on a 15 amp line!
o, you will not go to jail. But in the US, almost all jurisdictions rely primarily on the NEC, so it will be a violation of local code to put a 20A receptacle on a 15A line. That's because the breaker would not reliably trip if the load exceeded 15A. The breaker's primary purpose is to prevent the wire in the wall from overheating.