Remember Revere Stereo System?

Time to clean up the house.  I had a box of old magazines documenting the JFK assassination.  The December 6th, 1963 Life Magazine edition was on top.  I opened page 140 and there was a full page add for Revere-Wollensak Division, a 3M company.  “…Exciting new revere stereo tape cartridge system…A child can operate this amazing machine.”  The cartridges could be stacked and played up to 15 hours without human intervention .

For the life of me, I cannot remember these cartridges or ever seeing their player.  Anybody still have one?  What was the sound quality?  


I actually think my tech-happy dad bought one. He ended up giving it to me and my sister. My recollection is that it was not very good. I vaguely remember it eating its tapes with lip-smacking abandon. Even as a kid (I was about 11 or 12) I had an aversion to wow, and the wow I heard from the Revere was nausea-inducing. Frequency range was one step above (or was it below?) AM radio. Yeah, I was an audiophile even then, playing my classical LPs.. In any case, if it wasn't the Revere he bought, it was something equally antediluvian.