Rega RB-300 tonearm with Incognito Rewire ?????

Has anyone had the Incognito rewire on the Rega RB-300 tonearm? Who installed it, what kind of improvements ...Thanks

Showing 1 response by restock

You could send it to Jerry Raskin's Needledoctor for the rewire. They are the official distributor for Incognito and will give you three years warranty for the rewired arm. Lauerman imports used to do it as well and give you the full (lifetime!?) warranty on the arm. However I just talked to the new Rega distributors and they won't do it anymore and on top void your warranty if you do it.

And I also second the recommendation for a new Counterweight. I had the Expressimo Heavyweight and that one is definitly one of the biggest improvement on the Rega arm that I have noticed.

Good luck.