Reference System TT - Dr. Feickert Analogue or Sota

Putting together a reference system.
Recent equipment purchase: 
Linear Audio Zotl 40 power amp
Don Sach's pream & phono pre
Spatial Audio Lab X5 (open baffle speakers)

Seeking input for a turntable/tonearm/cart upgrade to complete the sysytem. Narrowed TT choices to Dr. Feickert Analogue (Woodpecker or Blackbird) or Sota Nova VI? Tonearm being considered: Kuzma Stabi S12, Thomas Shick, Wand Master. Cart: Kiseki Purle Heart NS SB, Koetsu Rosewood, less expensive choices - Soundsmith Zephyr MIMC Star ES, Sumiko Starling, dependent on TT/tonearm choice. I currently have and have had for a number of years, a VPI Scout & Benz Micro L2 cart & an ASUSA Tube Phono-Pre (it is kit). 

Listening preference 70-80's R&B, jazz (traditional & contemporary), soft rock infrequent but listen to most music genries at some point. 
Hopefully, there'll be those familiar with the noted TT's, tonearms and carts to provide input. Finding audio dealers in my area to audition the equipment choices I'm considering is a big challenge, if not impossible. This is my first steps from mid-fi into high-end equipment. Respect the discussions of fellow audio lovers. Your input, insights and experiences input is greatly appreciated.

Still Bill              

Showing 2 responses by tomic601

Spencer - Agree, the Reflex clamp is excellent. My frankensapphire has the new mat, some subchassis damping improvement but the old armboard and an intermediary motor ( not eclipse ). It’s a disc by disc decision on using the clamp….i suspect very few test cuttings were evaluated on a vacuum hold down TT, hence they were voiced with an excitable disc to platter interface aka fake air / high end, wolly mid bass, etc…..
So a true reference is difficult….
Brinkman Bardo, Triplaner, Lyra Kleos on an HRS base. I have that and a SOTA. 

No need to brag, reviews like at Munich and the solid dealer and user base speak volumes. I think SOTA is 5-6 months out….but come to think of it, last visitor to hear the SOTA bought one a few days later….

I have heard the Dr. F at some length, also an excellent choice.

enjoy your journey, you are in rarified air w gear you are cinsidering…