"Non Inductive" resistors.

I have a couple of Boston Acoustics speakers that I picked up for free at the dump. The woofers were torn, but the boxes and grills were like new. I put in a couple of Dayton Audio woofers, and they are better than OK except that the tweeter needs about a 4 ohm padding resistor.

In view of my minimal investment, I don't feel inclined to use exotic resistors. Question is...so what if the resistor had a bit of inductance? Wouldn't the resulting roll off be well above the audio range?

Showing 3 responses by herman

I would think the inductance in the wiring and voice coils would be far greater than the inductance in a single resistor. If you wanted to be sure you could get some 8 ohm non-inductive power resistors at Radio Shack for $2.29 each and have your two 4 ohm pads for under $10.
Sorry El, I must have had you confused with another Eldartford who posted a troll looking to see who would respond to a question about the direction that wire was twisted, and a few other such inane questions.

My mistake, but once you have been pegged as one who is trolling bait, it is hard to shake that label.