Question about valves running hours

I'm new to the tubes world and when I bought my amplifier the seller told me not to run it for more than 8 hours, letting it for rest a couple hours before the next listening session. I wasn't told why, but now I got curious and I want to know more about it. 
What's the reason for this limitation? What can we damage and why?

Showing 2 responses by williewonka

Migueca, I do not want to alarm you, but it looks like the Cayin is of Chinese origin?

Several years ago I purchased a Raysonic sp120.
Designed in Toronto, built in China and CSA approved.

Turns out the power transformer was not really rated for 120v

This elevated the heater voltage and caused the tubes to fail early due to overheating. My expensive Gold Lion Tubes failed after 3 months

I did talk to Raysonic, but they refused to acknowledge there was an issue.

I had it fixed for $300 by an excellent tube technician and it sounded so much better and the tubes lasted almost a year after that - played 8 hours daily

I would have the amp checked by a good tube guy - could save you a lot of money in tubes alone.

Now I know some will say a lot of gear is made in China and works fine.
- mine is just one of a miriad of tales about kit made in china that was less than perfect.

The SP120 was my first a last tube amp, so I was pretty green - in more ways than one.

As for the 8 hour limit, I’m with most others opinion, turn off when not in use - you’ll save on hydro

Migueca, Glad to hear Cayin are top notch.

Re usage: Tubes have been used in broadcasting 24/7, so using for more than 8 hours should not be an issue in quality built amps.

But to extend tube life a d reduce hydro bill, power down between listening sessions.

And..... enjoy ☺